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最常用的就是:please find attached... I am enclosing...我附上 Please find enclosed...请查阅附件 Attached here to...附件是关 To address your request, please find attached the detailed quotation for xx. We are pleased to satisfy your demand with the attached quotation. 以上表达均表示:根据你的询盘/要求,我们随附报价。如何回复各类询盘,外贸人看过来!(附询盘回复模

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外贸邮件中,“详情见附件”还在用“Please find attached”? 邦

“Please find attached ——见附件”这句虽然很好懂,但用法不够规范,因为通常情况下,只有附件或邮件不见了,才需要收件人去“find”。Please find the attached quotation for your reference. I’ve also attached the customised packaging pricing list for your consideration. If you have any further 如何用一封报价邮件,敲开客户订单大门

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怎么写英文邮件 “发附件”的12种说法你知道吗?

说法6:Find attached XXX Requested XXX can be found attached. Please find attached XXX Kindly find attached XXX 说法7:I’m sharing XXX with you. I’m 最好都不要说“Please find attached ——见附件”这句虽然很好懂,但在商务上用法不够规范,因为通常情况下,只有附件或邮件不见了,才需要收件人去“find”。这 职场英语 如何在邮件中提示客户查看附件内容

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如何用英文詢價、報價?來看實體範例,一次搞懂! –

2 天之前當我們要告知客人自己所傳的電子郵件夾帶了重要文件要請對方查收時,可以用 attach 這個字並與介系詞 to 搭配。Attach 就是「夾帶」、「附上」的意思,而 attachment 就是夾帶的檔案~ Please find the quotation Quotation Sample Email to Make a Quote for A Client. Subject: Quotation for [Product/Service] Dear [Client’s Name], Thank you for your interest in our [name of service/product]. Please find attached our quotation, and information concerning the timeline, the scope of work, and the pricing for the project.How to Write Quotation Emails to Customers Woculus

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In response to your inquiry, please find attached the quotation for xx in this email. To address your request, please find attached the detailed quotation for xx. We are pleased to satisfy your demand with 回复询盘附上资料的相关表达:. According to your inquiry, we have enclosed the quotation for your reference. In response to your inquiry, please find attached the quotation for xx in this email. To address your request, please find attached the detailed quotation for xx. We are pleased to satisfy your demand with the attached常用的询盘回复模板 lynsey 博客园

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In response to your inquiry, please find attached the quotation for xx in this email. To address your request, please find attached the detailed quotation for xx. We are pleased to satisfy your demand with the attached quotation. 以上表达均表示:根据你的询盘/Please find attached the document. は使わないの?. 私は最初見たとき違和感を覚えたこの表現、使います。. ネイティブ・非ネイティブ問わず、実際にはとても使われます。. ただこの文章には以下の通り少し問題があり、「万能」とまでは言えないというのが私の【英語メール】「Please find attached」は使わないで

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Please Find Attached: How to Notify Your Audience

It’s easy to avoid this phrase. Just use direct language and drop the business lingo. Here are a few alternatives: I’ve attached [item]. Please have a look at the attached [item]. The [item] you asked for is attached. Please refer to the attached [item] for more details. The attached [item] includes . . .御見積を送付致しますって英語でなんて言うの?. お客様に見積もりをメールで送りたい時。. Please find attached the requested quotation. The quotation is attached. ビジネス英語は形式がある程度決まっているので、何パターンか覚えておくととても楽ですよ。. Please find御見積を送付致しますって英語でなんて言うの? DMM英会話

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Our quotation is attached in PDF format. (我们的报价单以 PDF格式添加到了附件中。) C). We will send our official quotation within 3 days after discussing your request with our factory. (请容我跟我的工厂商议您的要求后,会在三天内给您报价。)在英文邮件中20个可以替代Please Find Attached的短语和表述. 我是Ben. 创始人:红板砖开发信 + 四两外贸独立站 + 马尔代夫选岛啦. 当你发送附件时,你可能会使用常见的短语 Please find attached,或者其他类似的说法,比如 Attached please find, Please kindly find the attached file在英文邮件中20个可以替代Please Find Attached的短语和表述

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【英文e-mail寫作】你知道「Please find attached」已經

剛到外商公司上班的Nancy寫了一封報價的e-mail給客戶,她在信中寫道「Please find attached the quote for your requested equipment.」(您所詢問的設備報價單,請看附件),結果這一句話被公司前輩指出太過正式,應該改為比較平易近人的句子。主管的建議讓Nancy感到很納悶,她曾在商務書信的參考書上看過外贸邮件中,“详情见附件”还在用“Please find attached”?. “Please find attached ——见附件”这句虽然很好懂,但用法不够规范,因为通常情况下,只有附件或邮件不见了,才需要收件人去“find”。. 这意味着你会经常写到“Please find attached——见附 外贸邮件中,“详情见附件”还在用“Please find attached”? 邦

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Please refer to attached quotation (for xxxx). Attachment please find the quotation for xxxx. See attachment. FYI. ( for your information) The quotation is still valid. It is still valid/workable. The payment term is 30% deposit and the balance should be paidAs your confirmation, please find the attached Bullo shipping mark for your ref. Regard, Quotation:发报价单 Pls kindly find the attached quotation for 4 styles of sports balls, if you have any question, pls feel free to contact us. Ask for shipping date:询问出货期英语句型_外贸跟单时常用邮件用语_沪江英语

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20 Less Annoying Synonyms and Alternatives to "Please Find Attached"

The answer is neither. "Please find enclosed” is the exact same as "please find attached.”. The only difference is the last word. Some writers might stress that nothing can be "enclosed” in an email, since an email isn’t an envelope. Thus the correct term would be "attached.”. But that distinction is minor, and the truth is that both最好都不要说“Please find attached ——见附件”这句虽然很好懂,但在商务上用法不够规范,因为通常情况下,只有附件或邮件不见了,才需要收件人去“find”。这与美国商界比较规范的措辞习惯不符。知识点: 1. Enclosed please find our offer sheet. 2.职场英语 如何在邮件中提示客户查看附件内容

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5 Tips to Write Better Emails BodhiSutra English speaking

Include a call to action. The job of business emails is to get the other guy do something it could be attending a meeting or approving a document or making a payment or releasing a purchase order. State your case and then add a clear call to action. Do not keep it implied. “Please find attached the requested quotation for your review6. Sample quotation email to customer. We will flip the script now and outline the content and structure of a quotation email to a customer. First, we briefly describe the products and services we're quoting for, then offer the price. Next, we explain why our quote is the best and why no other business can compare!Quotation email — 6 examples and template Flowrite

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11 Other Ways to Say "Please See Attached" Grammarhow

The attachment will. Check over the attachment. Other ways to say “please see attached” are “I have attached,” “here is,” and “kindly see the attached file.”. These alternatives are perfect for showing someone that an attachment is ready for their viewing. It reminds them to check it out after reading the email. 1.Please find attached a copy of the signed quotation for your records. We look forward to working with you on this project and to a successful partnership. Warm regards, #Signature# Rejection of quotation: A buyer sends this type of quotation email to a vendor to decline a quotation. The buyer can use it if they decide to purchase from aEmail template for quotation and best practices SafeMailer

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